The M7.2 earthquake yesterday brought several tremors today. It has been a day of tremors but thanks be to God for keeping us safe. I think every hour we could feel a tremor. Each tremor has different intensity. I am just so thankful that the tremors were not long.
Each tremor would lead us out of the house, dropping whatever we are doing. This was to make sure that in case the house collapse (but thank God it didn’t) nobody would get hurt. I could feel that my knees weakened every time we have to do this. But this was the best option we had eye secretions in cats to keep ourselves from possible physical injuries.
Despite the aftershocks, I needed to go back to work. As I am on a contractual basis with-no-work-no-pay setup, another day without work would mean less food for our table. So I must really have to work. Classes in all levels were still suspended.Hubby’s final exams which supposed to start today were moved next week. The malls and establishments in Tagbilaran were still closed.
As of this writing, the aftershocks have decrease in frequency compared last night. Thank God! May the Lord continue to keep us safe on the coming days and may the aftershocks finally stop.