
Dwelling Place

  • Sumo

As an associate pastor’s family, we were allowed live inside the church compound and occupy the parsonage. Our dwelling place is right at the back of the church’s stage.

The house is not new. All the previous pastors who helped in the ministry here stayed in the same house. The house was newly painted when we transferred here more than a year ago but even the paint could not hide the repairs need to be done. But because there is no budget for the repairs we could not start the fixing them. Oh well, hubby attends to the little repairs which need no budget like a little patching here and screwing there. I just don’t know if he secured the screws with cotter pin. I hope he did for added safety.

Whenever I see a beautiful house, I could not help myself admire the house. Then I will remember God’s promise that He prepared a mansion for me in heaven and it comforts me.


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