Christian Life, Day To Day Stories, Stories of Friends, Womanhood

Very Busy And Tiring Long Weekend

  • Sumo

I had a very busy long weekend. Last Friday, we (me with two other churchmates) went back to Divisoria in the morning to pick up the remaining curtains for our church anniversary. As soon as I got home, I started cleaning up the house while daughter was sleeping. I was able to clean the entire house including the kitchen and the comfort room before my daughter woke up. When my daughter woke up, I was also done taking a bath. We went to the church to help with making the scallop curtain for the stage. We already went home at around 11pm. .

TThe next day, Saturday, I attended to my daughter’s need in the morning. Hubby was out doing a more important work. I fed her, bathed her, and sat down with her to help her do her homework. After that, I volunteered to do the laundry. I was already ashamed with my husband because he has been doing the laundry for the several weeks. After that, we went to McDonald’s to fulfill my promise to my daughter. Then, we headed again to the church to help my friend iron the curtains we bought from Divisoria. At around 7 pm, we went home for dinner. But I had to return to church, less my daughter and husband, to continue with the ironing. There were still 22 window panel curtains which need to be pressed. With the help of other church members, all the curtains including the scallops were put in placed. We were done at around 12 am.

Sunday is the Lord’s Day. However tired I maybe, it was not a valid excuse to neglect my fellowship with the Lord in church. I was able to take a nap in the afternoon before I was awaken by my friend’s knock. We decided to cook spaghetti for a friend who was celebrating her birthday that day. After cooking, I returned to the church for the evening service. After the evening service, I went home with the birthday celebrator and couple of visitors. We enjoyed a simple dinner of spaghetti and toasted bread. I was finally able to drop on the bed at around 11 pm. Exhausted and tired but happy for the things I accomplished for the Lord and for some friends.

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