Do you play any musical instrument? You are blessed if you do, don’t you think so? Not all people have the skill and talent to play musical instruments and I that includes me. My skills do not extend to music. I can’t sing well and I can’t play musical instrument too. The only thing I can do is too appreciate music.
I admire people who can play musical instruments well, much more people who can play not-so common instrument like banjo. The first time I saw banjo was when a missionary family rendered a special offering during their visit in our church in Quezon City. I thought that the instrument was just an improvise one. Later on I learned that it was not. And it was not really uncommon like I thought. There is available banjo at guitar center too. I think I was just so naive when it comes to musical instruments.
What is the most unfamiliar musical instrument you know? Do you play it?
I’m not musically inclined as well. I can’t even carry a tune. I also won’t be able to identify musical instruments aside from the basic ones like guitars and pianos.
I am a frustrated musician and from when I was a kid, I always dream of playing the saxophone and the guitar. I’ve managed to learn some guitar pieces, that is all the success I’ve had. 🙂
Playing a musical instrument is a great way to de-stress. Go learn one, sis – never too late to do so. 🙂
I can play the trumpets, trombone, baritone and other brass instruments that a band can have. But I don’t do much of it nowadays :).
I am not also familiar with music instrument but thanks to the internet we can find what we need easily
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I play the guitar, I learned it when I was in college when my dad gave me one. But I hardly find time now to improve myself on it.
I always wished I could play the piano or maybe the violin but I think that’s a wish that’ll never come true. :))
I dont know any unusual instrument but I do play the guitar and a little bit of piano.
i can play the guitar but i only know how to strum. i have yet to learn how to pluck.
When I was in elementary, I remember the teacher asking who wanted to learn the banjo. None of us was interested. We preferred the piano or violin or guitar but only the banjo was being offered.
Sad to say I can play any musical instrument. I tried to learn the piano once but the interest waned.
I sing…. alone. Hahaha
I do play banduria when I was in elementary. I was a part of my school’s rondalla club. Never imagined that there were a lot of stringed instruments like guitar, i was so fascinated to learn octavina before but to no avail i was not able to learn how to play it.
Me, too. I love music but I can’t play any musical instrument. Good thing that my daughter does.
I have seen an artist use a nose flute. pero me, I am so bobing with musical instruments. I should include that nga in my bucket list 🙂
Same thing for you. I love music but it doesn’t seem to love me back. lol!
My dad has a banjo but I have not started learning to play that yet. With nephews tinkering the strings, learning just isn’t possible hehehe. Sometimes, you’ll never know if you have the “talent” unless you try. Almost everything can be learned and through practice, you get better. As they say, you are what you repeatedly do. 🙂
i am so useless when it comes to music.. haha i dont know how to play any instruments. but i am open to learn. 🙂
I want to learn to play at least piano since we just bought one for our son. I want him to learn to play piano and when he is ready for a piano class, I will enroll him.
Mommy Maye2
How sad, I am not blessed to play instruments and sing.
I really admire those that can play even the simplest musical instrument.
I really want to learn even just one.
i can play some. when i was young, i played drum and lyre but then I forgot how to play it now. I am more into playing guitar. So-so. I want to perform at least once on stage. That’s a dream actually. ^o^
We’ll I know how to appreciate musical instruments. I just don’t know how to play them… I’m a goner when it comes to playing a tune.
I am just like yourself and I cannot sing or play a musical instrument. I would love to learn the guitar though or perhaps the drums, I think the noisier the better for me
The most unusual instrument I play (not so well) is the didgeridoo; a wind instrument from Australia. Following you on Networked blogs. 🙂
I can play several musical instruments. The most unusual musical instrument that I have tried out are the Angklung and the Gamalan.