Family, Health

Another Hospital Experience

  • Sumo

My mom brought my father to East Avenue Medical Center this morning. I instructed her to go directly to the ER since she has a recommendation from the provincial hospital that my father needs to be admitted. But when I arrived, they were seating on one of the benches there. According to my mother, ER personnel don’t want admit my father there. He needed to be assessed in OPD (Out-Patient Department). My father face was so pale and he also felt so dizzy. I was informed that my father fasted for the FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) test. I approached the Officer-In-Charge inside the ER about my father’s condition. She told me that father can have the FBS so he can already eat. She gave me a request form and I brought my father to the Laboratory. The whole process of lining up and waiting took more than an hour before they finally extracted the blood sample from my father. After the extraction of blood sample, I’ve already gave my father water and something to eat.

We went back to OPD section, good thing, my father’s number was already called. We were given a form which we filled-out. Then we return the form to the staff. It took another hour before his number was called again for the payment. Since I noticed that the line in the cashier was long, I already lined-up even before the payment order was given to us. Our payment order was handed to my mother when I was few people away from the first in line. But the line was not moving. Then I learned that the cashier left their post to take their snack. Sigh! I am fully aware that they are also human and they also need to eat, but for goodness sake, can they not take their breaks one at time so there is at least one left in their post. We were able to get inside around 10:30 am but my father finally get attended by an internal medicine by pass 12:00 P.M.

The Internal Med doctor, asked my father some questions. He asked what was my father’s complaint. My father told him that his vision was getting blurred and he felt dizzy. I felt disappointed when he abruptly told us that we should have consulted an ophthalmologist. He didn’t asked first other probably reasons why my father felt that way. So I took the initiative and explained to him that my father’s blood sugar high based on the FBS result conducted yesterday in the provincial hospital. I also shew him the result of the FBS. I am not a doctor, but based on the scientific method I learned during the science experiments in high school, it is not right to jump to conclusion without the observations and without knowing other factors that may affect the conclusion. In the end, the doctor gave a list of laboratory test which my father need to undego. He also referred to us to a diagnostic clinic at the back of Heart Center. According to him, we come back when we already have the results. He also gave my father a prescription for his high blood and sugar.

Since it was pass lunch time, before we headed to the diagnostic clinic, we had our lunch first at Jollibee then we proceed to the diagnostic clinic. Unfortunately, I was informed that one of the test needs another fasting. So we were advised to come back tomorrow. I convinced my parents to spend the night at home since it is nearer than Bulacan. And for sure, if I allowed them to go home, my father would not continue the laboratory test. Good thing, they agree with me.

When I saw my father this morning, he was so pitiful 🙁 My tears wanted to fall but I held them back. It wouldn’t give any help. My initial plan just to pick up my younger brother so my mother can move freely. But when I saw my father, I couldn’t leave him. In my mind, I kept on praying that God would gave us favor before man so we can have a faster process. I also asked for wisdom because I am dumb when it comes to hospital things 🙁 It is hard to have a family member who is sick, and it is harder because the money I have is limited. How I wish I can bring him to a more sophisticated hospital who can attend to him immediately. But my means does not allow me to do that. I can only trust that God will never leave me and forsake me in times like this. And I am confident that He will provide for my needs according to His riches in glory.

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5 thoughts on “Another Hospital Experience

  1. It’s been a while since my last visit here, super busy din kasi. I do hope that everything turns well.

  2. I feel you.. hospitals in our country is really depressing, esp the staff, even the doctors.. Na-highblood ako sa doctor na tumingin sa father mo, he’s so dumb.. as far as i know, one of the many symptoms of diabetes is blurry eyesights and dizzyness…

    I hope and pray your father gets well soon at sana maka-tyempo kayo ng magaling at friendly na doctor. Please, watch your father’s food din, avoid oily foods and have atleast 2 liters of water intake.. I think it helps kasi mom ko rin highblood.

    I wish him well.. Have a nice weekend =)

  3. sad to hear about your Dad sis…I hope and pray that he will get better soon….Let’s ask God kindness…..ingat!

  4. Hi, sorry for the delayed response, I was just having some problems at home as they usually happens, but anywho, I think you should bring your father to a different hospital. PGH may be far, but I can guarantee the kind of attention they give to people. I also had these experiences, so whenever I’d feel something happening what I’d do is go straight to a laboratory and have the regular lab test that the doctors usually prescribe, this way whenever I’d come for an OPD check-up I’d show the results to them and I don’t really give any explanation, if they ask me why I have lab tests before consultation, I just simply tell them that’s the logical function my brain told me. In my experience it helped me a lot and saved me from unnecessary expenses because I nail them straight to the point – this is just me. And when they need to give me other exams at least they can’t add more to it than what’s only necessary. At times like these, you always need to take heart, don’t let anything else bother you, focus on the things that needs to be done, we can always do the crying out later.

    I take that you had your father’s check up at East Avenue Medical Center, well, sad to say, but I don’t really trust that place.

    1. Thanks for the advice. I will just look for another clinic with internal medicine doctor to read the result of the laboratory exam. I can’t stand the long lines anymore 🙁

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