
Second Song Offering

This is the second time my daughter went up to our church stage to render a song offering. Her first offering was a duet and we were not video-prepared. Her second offering was a trio. We were still not video-prepared. Good thing, my husband didn’t left his cp at home which he usually do during Sunday. So he was able…

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Are You Ready To Die?

DEATH is REAL. The Bible says, “As it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment:” – Hebrews 9:27.  No one is exempted of death. Some die at a very young age and some are  blessed to reach more than a hundred year before they leave this sinful world. But still, they die. We have different…

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Beliefs, Daily Udates

A Lady Who Defies The Line

Some commuters are simply undisciplined and rude. Just this morning, on my way to the office, I was about to ride on the fx in the terminal when the lady next to me on the line made her way to get inside the FX first than me and the person in front of me. She surpassed two people who came…

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Biblical Teachings, Child Rearing, Sciezka

Daughter Learns To Pray

Last night, while I was preparing the dirty clothes to be washed today, I heard my daughter asked her dad for a banana. The next thing I heard was Sciezka uttered “Yord (her version of Lord), thank you por nanas. In (J)esus name, Amen!”. Her action brought joy to me and to husband. She’s learning and learning good things. It…

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Biblical Teachings, Religion

Post-Christmas Post

Two more days and the world will be celebrating Christmas.Two days ago, the world celebrated Christmas. I remembered that when this season comes, we usually review the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ (Did I not mention that I grew up in Sunday School?) in our Sunday School classes. And when I became a Sunday School teacher too, I taught…

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