This tag was passed to by PinayMommyOnline  of A Woman’s Blog.  Thank you for sharing this tag to me mommy. I am passing this tag to Pehpot of  Make or Break, Yami of Mom Writes for A Cause, Enchie of Sweet Nothings, Tetcha of Pensive Thoughts and Dothy of Dorothy’s World. What are your middle names? Confidential 😀 How long have you…
Category: Tags
The Better Half Tag
Thanks to Mommy Jes of My Little Angels for sharing this tag to me. THE BETTER HALF 1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Anime 2. You’re out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Hmm… ung dressing na lasang garlic 😀 3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?…
Getting to Know Each Other!
Thank you Mommy Yami of Mom Writes For a Cause for sharing this tag to me. To do this, Create a New Blog Post, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your title as “Getting to Know Each Other!”, then tagged as many people as you like 🙂 Don’t forget to leave a message to those you…
Book Tag
This is a long due tag passed to me by Mommy Chris of The Mommy Journey. Thanks mommy Chris for sharing this tag to me and I am really sorry for not able to post it immediately. My plate is quite full nowadays. Here are the rules! 1. Collect the book that you have most handy.The book I chose is…
A Chain and An Award
Thank you Mommy Ench of Sweet Nothing for passing this Friendship Chain to me. Though, I’ve already posted this once, it is my pleasure to post it again. ~~Begin Copy~~ This is the easy way and the fastest way to : 1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.2. Increase your Google Page Rank.3. Get more traffic to your blog.4. Makes more…