
New Generation Credit Card

Do you have a credit card? If you do, you definitely know how to use it. You have to take it out from your wallet, hand it to the cashier or teller. The teller will then swipe it to a magnetic stripe reader and wait for the printed little paper to come out. That magnetic stripe reader reads all the…

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Sun Cellular Free Phone – Alcatel One Touch Glory 918N

Yay! Hubby has a new phone. It is an Alcatel One Touch Glory 918N. He got the phone almost free from Sun Cellular when he renewed his 350 UnliCall and UnliText Sun-to-Sun post paid plan. I say “almost” because there was a one-time payment of Php 500, otherwise the plan will be upgraded to Php 450. Hubby was actually eyeing …

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When it comes to electronic peripheral that I used for my work I don’t mind spending a little. I opt to have items with quality though little expensive than totally cheap but easily give up. I also choose reliable brands to make sure that it won’t give any trouble when I used it. The nature of my job requires me…

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Video Game Console

You may say that our family is kind of outdated because we don’t have any video game console even a PSP which most kids play. But I’m glad we don’t have one because otherwise it will be an additional expense if the battery is depleted and need to be replaced. Aside from that, I don’t know if there is a…

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Medical Equipment Advancement

Technology has gone so far we admit it or not its advancement brings some benefits especially in the field of medicine. I am fascinated how the hospital equipments advance through the past years. Just to take for example the sonogram, before the only available sonogram is the black and white. Now, 4D is getting more popular for soon mommy to…

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