I am excited to know the content of our president’s first State of the Nation Address. According to the news, his speech will be the audience in shock and in awe. I am curious about the “discoveries” he found out in his almost a month presidency. I am much more interested to know his plans on he will conquer the current situation and problems of our Mother Country. So, if I need to set aside my search on where to buy apidexin, I will do it just to lend him my full attention during his speech.
The SONA will be at 4pm today, Monday, July 26, 2010 at Batasang Pambansa, Quezon City. The roads were not closed and our president didn’t call it a day-off for Juan, unlike the previous SONAs. So today is not a holiday. But some school are generous enough to let their students have a long weekend by cancelling their classed today. Unfortunately, that does not include my daughter’s school
“He wants you to totally recognize it when He gives it to you” – wow, such wise words, thank you so much!
Hi Mylene sorry about your comment on my blog I accidentally deleted it while deleting a lousy and spam comments. Just to reply with your comment. They did not closed both lanes of the avenue only one side and they made a counterflow.
Well we will not yet see the changes right now but maybe after a year we’ll know for sure what will be the result.