Only few people know that I provide hosting services and much fewer (if I can count correctly, only four) trusted me to host their blogs, LOL. Now, I am publicly announcing this service of mine to draw more clients. I need to start augmenting the income I get from other resources to payoff our debts before the year ends and for the near future expenses. Although I won’t earn that much from hosting, additional clients will help me pay the yearly hosting expenses while providing them reliable retail hosting services they need for their sites/blogs. It is mutually beneficial to me and to my clients since getting a non-shared hosting service is at least 5x more expensive compared to my hosting package fee.
If you are interested about my hosting packages, please check my Services page or just leave a message and I will gladly help you
Oo nga hindi nyo bina blog kasi… If I’m done with my thesis, I will blog it.
Goodluck to that,Mommy Mylene^_^
Thanks for being one of my top commentators and top ecdroppers–really appreciate your visits dear!
I’m happy to visit your site mommy! I enjoy reading your posts about your hubby, kids and yourself
Hello po, Thank you for making it to the top 10 EC droppers in my blog. Got you featured in my post.
Thanks Mel