I seldom find a movie that me and my husband plus daughter will appreciate. Husband does not like movies with no action while I like movies which I can learn something, whether to improve my character or discover facts. We seldom watch together because I don’t like the movies he likes to watch. Add to that, I don’t want to waste my time in front of TVfor so many hours.
It is an accomplishment for me that I persuaded him to watch “I Am Sam”. My eyes hit the DVD copy of this film at Video city while husband is choosing his. Although, I’ve already watch this film years ago, I still watched it tonight. I love this movie. It always made me cry. Maybe because I have a brother who is mentally incapacitated that I can relate to the movie. I love the interaction of Sam and Lucy. The innocency of Sam, the smartness of Lucy, the loyalty of Sam’s friend and the chaotic and ironic life of Rita. If you haven’t watch this film yet, I highly recommend it