Anything Under The Sun, Womanhood

Investing On A Health Insurance

  • Sumo

A churchmate was selling a health insurance plan to me for as low as Php 300 per month (around $6) few days ago. I was tempted to get one for my daughter and and my father because currently, they were the ones who needed medical attention most of the time. But I was also hesitant because of so many pre-need scams exposed in the previous years. I want to make sure that I will not be included in the victims of this kind of scams. If I will invest on a health insurance plan, I must be confident that the provider is stable and credible. The provider’s years of existence will also matter to me. And most of all, the provider should be accredited by most doctors and in most hospitals. It would be an added point if the provider has a user-friendly website like North Carolina health insurance website which helps interested clients get detailed information about the different packages offered by the provider off-hand before meeting an agent in person.

Health insurance here in our country is becoming a necessity but as a vigilant consumer, we just don’t jump to buy one without doing our homework. We don’t want to throw our hard-earned money to waste.


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