Bits & Pieces

November Is Almost Over

  • Sumo

This is indeed a very busy month and I’m so thankful that it almost over. It was only by the grace of God that everything went well last Sunday, November 25.  The event was a victorious one and I thank God for that. The event was well-prayed for and the result was indeed marvelous. We had more than 100 first time visitors, majority were classmates and friends of our junior young people attenders. Some were parents of the children who attend the Good News Classes every Saturday. Some were neighbors and friends of our newly baptized members. Many of the visitors professed their acceptance for the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour during the invitation. God is still in the business of saving people.

The preparation for the church anniversary was not a light task. It was quite tiring as a matter of fact. Add to that my not-so-good-physical-condition few days before the anniversary. Without the help of other members and the significant contribution of the junior young people, the tasks would be more burdensome. And of course without God’s doing all the efforts were not enough to accomplish the things that must be accomplished. All the glory is to God and God alone. I am so happy and thankful that the 7th church anniversary ended victoriously and all the preparations were all worth it for God’s glory and praise. The next challenge is how to do the follow-up with so limited man-power. Again, I’m fully relying on God’s power and doing in this area.

But before the month of November ended, there is still one more event that I am excited to attend to, and that is the wedding in which I and Dear Husband were requested to be principal sponsors. It will be tomorrow. But I think it is not the will of the God for us to go and He sent this message through my daughter who started to be sick this afternoon. Hubby and I decided not to go if daughter’s condition didn’t improve during the night. It will be very inconvenient to travel more than 200 kms. with a sick child, right? So I guess we will just be at home tomorrow.

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