Our flight to Manila is getting closer. Am I excited? Definitely! It has been more than a year since I had a glimpse of the Metro.
Our trip to Manila is not purely vacation. Husband and I have so many things to attend to. One of the important things that I have to attend to is the Parent Orientation for my daughter’s homeschooling. Husband could not be with me on this meeting because his flight is moved to a later date. I don’t have yet a definite schedule but I learned from the school this afternoon that their last business day will be on the 19th. I hope I can settle all the other requirements and payments before our flight so I can catch their last business day.
Husband on the other hand needs to find a replacement for the old keyboard of the church. We cannot afford a brand new replacement so Husband might check the second-hand stores for keyboards. If there will be any extra money, he might also buy new microphones. The one we have in church is already full of rust. Of course, again we could not afford the branded one. So he will surely look for a cheaper one but with quality that will also last for few years.
I am still listing down all the things that we need to accomplish before we return here in Bohol. We could not afford to visit Manila so often so we need to maximize our time while we are there for couple for weeks. It will be another busy month for me