The kids attending in our church are increasing in number. We are thinking of activities to help these kids become more active in the church. One of the activities we are praying is a kid church camp on summer in which the kids will stay in the church for three days or if the budget permits, it can be extended to five days. I believe this kind of activity will be exciting for the kids. They will be away from their houses and will live with the other kids for several days.
If our pastor, who is none other than my husband, has decided to pursue this plan through the leading of God, then the church building and facilities must be prepared before summer comes. The rooms must be prepared for the accommodation of the kids. Additional shower fixtures must be installed to avoid long queue during bath time. Most importantly, we should start praying for the theme and the speakers because this is the main purpose of the kids’ camp. The budget for this activity should also be prayed for.
Will you pray with me for this activity?