
My Mentor

I never imagined myself earning from writing especially using a foreign language as medium of writing because I knew I have no talent in this field plus I am not eloquent in English. Those two factors are major requirements in writing. I was not familiar with blogging either during that time. It was just a myth for me four years…

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Blogging Life

Resume Blog Hopping

Just today, I resumed blog hopping  to different blog sites. This is to increase my chance to earn more from Adgitize. For today, I only made 50 clicks, better than 0. I am hope to get payments from Adgitize more frequently so I could also advertise my other two blogs. While blogging, I noticed that some blogs are not link…

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Blogging, Blogging Tools

Blog Make Over

Welcome to my new theme. It may not be a full blown blog make over but I am starting to love its neat appearance. Thanks to Headway Themes for making my new theme an easy task. Everything is easy with Headway Themes as base template. Even a non-WordPress techie can do the customizations. It likes serving the theme in silver…

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