Daily Udates

The Camp Is Over

  • Sumo

Our church camp is over. It was a meaningful and fruitful camp. It was an evangelistic camp. Part of the program was to go out and saturate the community with the Gospel. We went out from 2pm to 4pm – in the heat of the sun we visited every house and distributed Gospel tracts.  If we found a good timing, we shared the goodness of Jesus Christ and His wonderful gift to individuals – the gift of  eternal life.

This year’s camp was different from the previous years’ camp in which we only listened to the teachings and preachings. The venue was also quite different because we only stayed in a school .  Unlike before that the we really have a decent accommodation. Yes, the campers were like evacuees and brought our own beddings. It was not really comfortable and convenient but the souls who got saved were more than enough consolation. They were priceless because they came to knew Jesus Christ and accepted Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

We also invited people to come over on the evening because we held free film showing for three nights. After which, a message of salvation was delivered by the assigned pastor. The films were also blessings to me because the movies reminded how good God is to me and the sufferings and sacrifices of early Christians. It reminded me that the salvation I have is not free. Someone paid it for me, and that someone is Jesus Christ.

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