She mentioned to me that her budget is limited and she is looking for the cheapest web hosting possible. So next time I get a chance to talk to her, I will recommend Web Hosting Geeks to her. This is an independent site which conducts reviews of the best hosting providers. The site provides a table of the top ten best web hosts for this year including their corresponding features and bonus features. The table also contains a link to the review of the web hosting provider and the corresponding rate given to them. I will also recommend to her the Best Budget Web Hosting which is possibly fitted for her budget.If you are also in a hunt for a web hosting provider, I strongly recommend that you visit Web Hosting Geeks first before you opt for a web hosting provider. The site will help you decide which provider is appropriate for your need because the facts about the providers are well-presented in the site. And if you are new to web hosting and you want to learn the basics about this technology, you may visit their Web Hosting 101 under the Web Hosting Geek’s Blog section. And if you are after VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting, you may also check the site’s Best VPS Hosting. So you see, Web Hosting Geeks caters information about web hosting from novice to amateur users.
So if you want to get the best, compare first with the rest.
Images are courtesy of Web Hosting Geeks.
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