It has been a while since I last join this meme. Now, it has a new home, at Internet Cafe Devotions.
I choose to share this verse for today’s WFW because this is the promise of God which I’ve been claiming for the last couple of weeks. If you are a frequent visitor of this site, you probably know that my father was diagnosed with high blood sugar. And just last week, he was diagnosed with high infection caused by the wounds on his head.
I consider my father’s condition as a trial of my faith. I claim this verse to comfort myself and to wash away the doubts in my mind. Aside from my father’s infirmities, I was also thinking of the expenses for his medications, checkup, laboratory exams. My monthly income is just enough to meet the ends. So where will I get the money for my father’s medical needs? He has no insurance nor health plan. And since he can’t work, I also need to help them ( My mom, dad & special brother) for their daily expenses. I don’t know where will I get all the money for all these needs. I can only trust God and claim His promises. He and his promises are my only hope. So whenever I fall into deep worrying, I silently pray and claim this verse. This trial shall come to pass and God will let me pass through it victoriously.
How about you? What is promise of God you cling into? Visit Internet Cafe Devotions for more WFW.
I think this is my first visit to your blog but I’m loving it already.
I love that you believe God and are claiming His promises to us believers. I’ve only recently begun to really pray the Scriptures and I love it.
Hi Debbie,
Thank you for your visit! May you find your new journey (praying the Scriptures) a wonderful experience.
Thank you for sharing your hopeful strategy. I’ll pray for you and your dad. Happy day!
Hi Janet,
Thanks for your prayer
Have a blessed day!
Oh what a great illustration. You did a great job. And yes that is a great verse to claim. Praying right now for your dad and the medical expenses.
Father God please provide for this dear sister and her family. I know how hard is when we face trials. Please give her strength and encourage her to trust and have faith. You know best.
Thanks Sherry for your prayer. Thanks too for the visit.
Common to man, common to man…that’s circles around my head every time I begin to think it’s just me or that no one else would understand or have to go through what I’m thrown at the time! I also cling to Proverbs 3:5-6 that you and Kaye discussed
Welcome back…I’m a newbie since you’ve last been here and not real good at the creative end of it, but I simply love being inspired by everyone else’s creativity :))
Thank you! Very true that everything under the sun is but common to man
Nothing is new. God has planned so well.
Your first sentence on the second paragraph reminded that I skipped so long in joning this meme :D. I run out of photos
and time too 
Blessings to you
What a wonderful promise!! Continue clinging to the Father!! Praying for you and your family! May God rain down showers of blessings and protection, wisdom and strength upon you and yours during this time of testing.
Hi Jenifer,
May the Lord answered our prayer. I am waiting for the showers of blessings
Have a wonderful day. Thanks for dropping by!
Bless your heart! I know God will be there for you. Praying for your father and family now.
Keep holding on♥
Thanks Susan, I will
This is indeed a powerful verse in our lives saying God will not give us problems we cannot bear. He is after all our strength. I read somewhere: “If He brought us to it, He will bring us through it.”
Amen ceemee!
God bless and keep your father, your entire family and you. I will be praying for His provision, peace and presence for you.
Hi Jo.attalife,
I can’t seem to access your link. Thanks for your prayer. Blessings!
What a beautiful promise and truth! Thank you for sharing about your father. I will keep your family lifted up in prayer.
Blessings to you!
a great verse to cling to!
What a comfort to know that with any temptation we are faced with God has already provided a way of escape for us! I love the promise that God is the same yesterday, today and forever! He took care of us yesterday, He is taking care of us today and He will take care of us tomorrow. Take strength knowing that somehow someway He will take care of you and your family.
I’m so sorry all this seems to be hitting you at once. I have been in a similar situation when I was working partime while my husband built our home and was waiting for a plant job to open up. He then got hurt and on bed rest for 6 months. No real job, no insurance. I prayed for God to provide a job that had insurance and more money. He answered by letting me get a promotion at the place I was at, emergerency state insurance and well-fair. It wasn’t what I was expecting…but it was an answer. Praying for you right now.
Thank you Deborah! God answers prayer in very mysterious and unexpected way. Our ways are not God’s way, neither our thoughts His thought.
Blessings to you.
What a wonderful promise to cling to! God’s promises are eternal and so comforting to know!
Have a blessed day!
Praying that God will meet all your needs ~
Thank you so much Cathy.
That is so wonderful, I am so glad we have His promises to cling to.
True! Jesus didn’t leave with nothing. Instead He equipped us with promises which we can claim any time.
Thanks for the visit!
I am saying a prayer for you and your father right now. God is faithful!
Thank you Whidbey. I appreciate it so much!
God faithfulness is so reliable and incomparable.
Great word! Hold on tight to your faith – God will see you through…
Thank you Linda.
Blessings to you
What promises! There have been times when all there was this verse and right now I have several friends for whom this is their hope…thank you for joining us and sharing!
Peace to you!
You are most welcome Lori. This is also my only hope…
God Bless
A wonderful promise to cling to…….you might also like to link it to my verse for this week.
Thank you ozjane! I enjoy reading your article.
My dad has diabetes, too…and our God is so faithful…He will ALWAYS keep His promises…
Prayers going up for you and your family….
Thank you Karen. God is truly and amazingly faithful.
Such a great scripture promise to stand on! One I often use myself.
I agree Wanda! Blessings to you
Perfect for this Word-Filled Wednesday is this, another of the promises of God in the Bible! One of my favorites is in Proverbs 3: 5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He WILL make your paths straight. Like you, there have been many a night when I just laid there saying this over and over. And always He has filled my heart with His wonderful words of encouragement.
Praying with you for your father and your needs!
Thank you Kaye, Proverbs 3:5-6 is also one of my favorites verses. This is the current verse I am teaching my daughter to memorize.
Happy WFW!
As a diabetic, I know how scary it can be sometimes. Hold securely to His promises, God will never let you down.
I will. Thanks Denise!
happy WFW! I really hope your Father gets better, keep your faith!
Thanks Missie. You are so early for the WFW visit